
Friday, October 27, 2017



It's all started when sofia just transferred to her new school. It was not that easy for her. She don't know what to act, what to feel, what will happen. She started to think, think and think. When she go to her room she saw a vacant seat, so she sat down. While waiting, everyone was staring at her. Sofia wanted to cry because she was nervous but then everything has changed. a boy came. He started to talk to sofia. He sat beside her and ask her name age and why she transferred to that school. Then sofia felt normal already. She was relax already. Then she answered diego her name, her age and why she transferred. Then they are seatmate. They always get along together, always sharing stories with each others. But one day something came out...

Something came out....

Sofia go to school when she entered the room, diego was already sitting in there assigned seat. But then diego notice that her bestfriend sofia was sad. He knows that sofia is having a problem. When sofia go to her assigned seat, diego sat beside her and ask what is happening but then sofia don't respond... diego was still forcing her to open up and share what is her problem, then finally sofia told diego that she have a family problem her mom wants to bring her to america, while her dad wants her to be in the Philippines. So diego decided to comfort sofia, because sofia wants to be here in the Philippines because she wanted to be with diego.

But then, sofia needs to go to america whether she likes it or not. *fast forward* 1year later Sofia returns to the Philippines to open a business, she will also start studying at the polytecnic university of the Philippines. Little did she knew what awaits her It turns out his ex bestfriend Diego will also be studying there In the middle of entering and waiting in line Diego notices her and approaches her Diego: hey sofia! Long time no see. Sofia: hey diego.. it's been a year Diego: yea.. it's been a year.. i missed you *hug* Sofia: i-i missed you too.

Diego: sofia, how are you? Sofia: I'm good how about you? Diego: I'm good since you left me. Anyways, sofia hold on meet my friend coleen. Coleen: hello sofia, I'm coleen. I'm Diego's new friend since you left him. Sofia: oh wow *sarcastic laugh* I'm sofia. And I didn't leave diego I just needed to go to america. Diego: *cough* we need to go back to the sofia. It's nice to see you again. Sofia: it's nice to see you too again diego..
As diego and Coleen walk away , sofia felt sad because diego has a new friend. But still life must go on, Finally sofia was enrolled to pup, She was happy all her efforts paid off.Then while she was going home, sofia received a text for unknown. Unknown: hi sofia, what is your section? Sofia: who's this? Unknown: it's me diego! Sofia: oh hey diego I'm in section 1 hbu? Unknown: same sofia!see you around.
Sofia was excited to go to school because of diego and for sure she will have a new friends.

Sofia's first day... She was nervous with a little bit of excitement. She starts to find her room, as she start walking, she saw coleen and diego walking together and maybe they are looking for the classroom. But then sofia decided to continue looking for her classroom , as soon as she finds it she entered to the room and sit to the vacant chair. Someone approach her she ask her name and sat beside her. While they are talking coleen and diego entered the room and sat infront of sofia. She tried to act normal and in a few minutes all of the vacant seats were full. When the teacher arrived, they introduce theirselves. After that the teacher gave them a group activity, the teacher group coinsidently teacher had put together sofia diego and coleen in the same group, it was awkward first but after a while she didn't mind Then all of a sudden a man approached sofia and talked to her all was nice and sofia was happy talking to him Not knowing diego had noticed and just started to look at her coleen saw that diego was in a trance , so while everything was happening coleen was staring at diego too.

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