
Friday, October 27, 2017

Sacrifices by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Sacrifices by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

We are not rich to buy an expensive things but for my daughter I did all that. She is in the high school now. Her friends is very rich so my daughter wants a thing that her friends have. I don’t have enough proper job. Sometimes I am a construction worker and sometimes I am a plumber. I do everything about my daughter.

One day she wants a new dress but that dress cost 800 so I get shocked. I don’t know where do I find that money. “Okay my daughter give me one day to find money okay”. She agreed so I starts finding for that I go everywhere to look for a job. I do not eat because it minus my earned money for my daughter.

It’s already 6:30 pm my daughter class is ended soon. I need to search a job. Maybe she is staving now. Now I earned 900 I’m so very happy because my daughter will become happy too. I prepare this one hundred for our dinner.

I was here in my house but she is the first one who arrived in our house. I received a shout from my daughter because she is very starving. So I lend the money her needs to buy the dress. Now she became happy and she hug my tightly. I am also happy because I make a smile for my daughter’s face.

But one day I go to her school because I need to give this money to her. I call her but she ignored me so I went to her but she did not tell her friend’s to mine because she is so ashamed of what is my look now. So she immediately go after she received the money.

In our house I preparing her breakfast. While she was eating. She told to me that she wants a tablet and 1000. I get shocked about that. I told to her that I can’t afford those things. She get mad after I said that. She also said I never come back here if I didn’t grant her wishes.

I don’t what I going to do. 800 is hardly to get, 1000 and a tablet pa kaya. I start searching and looking for a job. I do everything for my daughter. I’m sure she were help in the day comes. Work here, work there, but this money is not enough to buy a tablet.

Two days after I buy a cellphone but the money, it’s only 500 hundred *coughing hardly* I get a hand towel to cover my mouth. While I’m coughing I saw a blood from the hand towel. And slowly I lose consciousness.

Dad! I saw my dad lying on the floor and I saw a lot of blood on her hand towel so I call ambulance immediately. I don’t know what happen. I don’t know what I’m going to do. When we arrived the hospital they take my father immediately in emergency room.
I pray to god to save my father. A few minutes the doctor came out. I ask him if my dad is alive but he says is not. I fell down on the floor while crying.

I go to our house I saw in my bed the tablet and 500. I started to cry again then I saw a letter. I read it while I’m crying.

Dear my daughter,

I’m sorry this is only my afford it’s too expensive to buy the original tablet sorry but I promise I buy a new one. And daughter I’m sorry because only 500 I don’t have any works now sorry but I’m also promise I will add it later. So daughter keep smile okay I did everything okay. I need to go out to look some job okay I’ll be right back.

Your loving father

I cried a lot after I read that letter. I’m sorry father, I’m sorry for everything. I’ didn’t stop crying and always said “I’m sorry”

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