
Friday, October 27, 2017

Being successful in life by OWEN NEIL CAMARILLO (draft)

Being successful in life by OWEN NEIL CAMARILLO (draft)

Success is about setting goals and achieving them. Such goals include losing weight, learning how to play an instrument, making profit in a business, and being the best in certain career among others. The secret of success, as many people will agree, is hard work.

Evidently, successful people are admired in the society. In many instances, they make headlines in the mainstream media. However, such people are not many in the society. Many people still struggle to achieve their goals in life. Others give up, all together, when they attempt without success to achieve their goals. Simply, many people are unable or unwilling to engage in hard work for them to be successful.

Some individuals argue that an individual needs to be smart- and not hard working, for them to be successful. However, successful people narrate of instances when they did not want to pursue certain projects but pushed themselves to achieve their goals anyway. As a result, they were able to stand out amongst the crowd. Therefore, it is hard work, and not smart work that breeds success. In any case, most of the hard working and successful people are very smart.

Notably, many people give up when they do not feel like pursuing their goals or when they experience setbacks at the initial stages of a project. For instance, many people trying to lose weight may not see the results within the first few weeks of rigorous exercise and dieting. At this stage, unsuccessful people will give up. On the other hand, hardworking people try to find ways of solving some of the setbacks- instead of giving up. More so, they put in more effort even when they realize that have slim chances of winning.



I lied and said I was busy.
I was busy;
but not in a way most people understand.
I was busy taking deeper breathes.
I was busy silencing irrational thoughts.
I was busy calming a racing heart.
I was busy telling myself I am okay.
Sometimes, this is my busy—
And I will not apologize for it.



Incredible. That's what I always thought whenever someone asks me if how is my life going. And knowing me, I would always tell them how thankful I am because I was given a chance to live and see how beautiful the world is. The world might be cruel most of the time, but always remember that "There's always a good thing in every bad day". That is what I always taught to myself whenever i'm at worst, or some things aren't really going well in my life. I'd always tell myself "It's okay, it's just a problem, you can go through it." I've always loved that mindset of mine. It always keep me going, even if there's a lot of hindrances waiting for me out there. I know life is really hard but all we need to do is believe in ourselves and trust God that we can overcome anything in this world. And if you do, I bet things will be better with your life.
I ain't forcing you to read my story, but I'm definitely sure that if you do, you'll learn something from it that can help you overcome the same instances that I've been experienced in the past. Without further do, come and join me in the tremendous journey of my life.

Neil felt like his lungs are burning as he ran towards the hallway of his school. His hair is already messed up, he was also sweating as he continously ran like there's a herd of demons chasing him. But that's the least of his worries at the moment. He is already 30 minutes late to his first class and he don't want his terror professor scold him again like he have done something unethical and unacceptable thing. That's a usual thing for him, yet he's still not used to it.He doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of his classmates. Well, he has reasons why he always attend his class late. As he was looking at the end of the hallway, his mind is actively weaving a hundred plausible excuses per second. His uneasiness kept growing. Breathing through his mouth, Neil picked up his speed, ignoring the curious glances of other students as he passed them like a lunatic. Upon reaching the laboratory building, Neil abruptly stopped and tried to catch his breath while looking up, slightly tapping his chest with his hand.He fixed his self first because he looks like he just bumped into a trouble before entering the building. A few steps away from his lab room, there he is, his professor. Standing in front of the door, his professor looked at him with his eyebrows knitted together. He already knows he fucked up, like the usual thing he does. But his professor did not say anything and hand him a test paper, letting him to take an exam even though he was late for about 45 mins. Feeling strange, he sat quietly on his chair. "Thank God! I am saved." he uttered while smirking before finally answering his test.

Neil finished his exam first before he went out of the room. That's the rule of his general biology professor, if you finished your exam, you can go out anytime you want. It was easy for him. Everything is easy for him. Well, it's because he was born intelligent—no, more likely a genius. That's why his professor can't drop him out because of the fact that he is one of the top students at their school. That is one of the perks of being a genius student. You can't be kick out unless you're as good as those top students . Everything is perfect about him—except for his family. His parents weren't really in good terms ever since,so they later on get annulled.He grew up with his grandmother but sadly, she passed away 2 years ago. He's an only child, so he has to live alone by himself. Everything was just catastrophic for him. He don't even know where to start because he had no one to hold one. But then again, he believed that he can get through it, so he did. Things did not go easy at first. He had to stop going to school because he can't afford paying for his school's expenses, even though he was a scholar, it is still hard for him to pay for other miscellaneous fee. Same goes with his daily needs. It's like he had tasted the catastrophe of life. But he did not stop striving, because he believed that it was just a test for him to be stronger and independent. He has to work to pay for his rental apartment and he needs to save up for his next semester. He didn't want to stop going to school anyway, however, he needs to. He did everything that he can and luckily, he managed to have part-time jobs and study at the same time. That's the hardest part for him. He has to rely on his academics, as much as his job, to be able to pay for all necessary books and classes that they are required to take.

After he went to school, he immediately go back to his work. He's a crew service in a fast food chain near in his house. It is an advantage for him because he won't be late for his work.Aside from that, he was also an uber driver. Well, what can you expect these days? He needs to cope up with the society in order for hin to earn money. The car he was using was his, it is just a second hand yet still looks new. He bought that car when he already saved up enough money to buy it. He finished his duty first before going home. Since his house is just near where he works, he just took a walk. But while passing through the streets, he saw three mans—more like a goon mans, beating up an old man merciless. He immediately helped the old man out. Good thing he can still use his skills in judo and taekwando.
"Are you okay sir?" he asked the old man after the goons ran away.
"I'm okay. Thanks for helping me out kiddo." the old man replied smiling, as if nothing happened.
"I'll bring you to the hospital, sir." He insisted but the old man told him that he's okay and there's nothing for him to worry about. But he's not convinced so he bring the old man to his house. Afterall, the old man can't even walk properly because he just got beaten up by those coward goons. Neil prepared for their foods and they had a conversation while eating. Surprisingly, the old man is rich. He owns a farm, yacht and he also run different businesses. He suddenly became interested to the old man, it is because eversince he wanted to run a farm and yacht. That is his dream though, to live peacefully far away from the usual city.
"We keep on talking but I still don't know your name, sir." He said laughing. He was too comfortable talking to him that he even forgot to ask about his name. It's been a while since he had that kind of warm conversation. Oddly, with a completely stranger. He didn't mind it though, since the old man looks harmless enough.
"Call me Mr. Stan, young boy. How about you? What's your name?" The old man said.
"I'm Neil, sir." He replied. After that, they continue their conversation. They talk as if they have known each other for years. It just felt good because he can share things with the old man without getting uncomfortable. Mr. Stan is a good listener though.
"Where do you live, Mr. Stan?" He asked. He was curious and ge wanted to visit the old man soon. He find out that Mr. Stan is living with his granddaughter. He did not said where the place specifically, but he said it is far away from the city. While they're talking, a car beeped three times outside his house. He got curious so he went out with Mr.Stan, only finding out that it is Mr.Stan's body guard. So he is really rich, Neil thought. The little doubt hr has fades away.
"I gotta go, young man. Thank you for helping me out earlier. I appreciate it a lot. See you soon, I'll wait for your visit." he said while he gave Neil a calling card, indicating there where he lives before he waved at him and went to the car. I looked at the calling card he gave me, DeVillizo Ranch. Sounds old school but classy. He might visit him when his finals is already done.

Finals is done, and I finally got to take the day off I have been longing from work. I might just visit Mr.Stan, since I promised him that I'll visit his ranch. On the afternoon, I went to the market to buy the things that I will be needed while taking a break from everything. When I say everything, I literally meant everything. From school, work and from the city. I need to unwind though. Afterall, I deserved this from working too much. When I got home, I fixed and prepared the things I'll bring, not too many because I'll just visit Mr.Stan's Ranch for about 2 to 3 days I think?
Hours later......
"Damn!My gas is running out and I'm not still getting there!" I thought to myself, Mr.Stan did not tell me when he said he lives far away from the city, it is really this far.I thought he was just kidding. I'm driving for almost 5 hours and I feel so exhausted already. I roamed my eyes around the highway, I'm not even sure where I am. All I see is a vast of space of green land, bumps of hills, and wild grass. No establishments on sights. I don't even see passing cars. I'm all alone in the highway and I don't think anyone would care if I suddenly changed lanes. Three miles more and I still see the same view. I can see s display of mountain silhouettes from a far, and a long dark road ahead of me. Am I still on the right track? Nevertheless, I continued driving. I felt happy when I saw an old placard saying "Welcome to Devillizo Ranch!". Finally, I should've eaten lunch before coming here. I'm starving. I entered the road where the placard was placed. Minutes passed, I follow all the directions from my navigation system. But it still didn't work. I felt like I'm on the verge of giving up. It kept telling me measurements, miles and speed when all I need is a simple right or left. Now I don't know where I am. All I see are trees, all sort of diffeent trees.
"Where the heck am I?" I groaned. I feel really frustated at that moment. I had been driving around in this God forsaken place for hours and I am still in the middle of nowhere. I don't even see a single house, not even a damn cow. I saw a right turn placard near where my car was parked. I contemplated for a while. Should I go straight or turn right? What if I miss this turn and not know this is where I'd find Mr.Stan's Ranch?
Crossroads are the damnedest thing. I thought to myself before getting back to my car. I turned my car around and rove all the way till the end. Minutes later, I found myself driving into an old rusting open gate on either side of the road. The stand of gate was fully wrecked and messed up. Wild leaves coiled everywhere arount it and it looked like they're strangling the iron with their stems. I slowed down my card and I could hear the cracking sound of the dry leaves beneath my tires. The plants lining the sides of the road were so overgrown that they block the whole light of sky. It was so eerie.
Few kilometers away from where I was. There it was, the house—or a mansion rather. I stopped a few kilometers away from the fountain that was placed in the middle before I decided to go down. The wind blew and the leaves were suddenly scattered down around the floor. They're so thick that they covered the whole ground. It's chilly out here and I thought about coming back to my car for my jacket, but didn't mind it anyway because I'm too tired to go back. I looked up to the mansion. I felt shiver run down in my spine. It looked like a castle in nineteenth century. Old and spooky. It looked so gothic and huge. The paint was fading, there werr wild flowers beside the giant door didn't soften the grimness of the whole place. I breathed heavily before I entered the mansion. And suddenly.......

And suddenly...I was stunned for a moment.This whole place screamed neglect and abandonment. So what do we have here? Mr.Stan living inside a scary grandiose castle. He seemed to be the millennial Vladimir Dracula. Do really vampire exists this days? Nevermind. I tried to knocked many times as the rain falls down.
"Oh oh!" I looked at the dark clouds. It completely obscured the sky. The rain falls were heavy. I was slowly getting soaked in wet because of the rain. I decided to knocked and bang down the door, but no one is answering. My hands are useless like this. I hold the doorknob and tried to open it. Well, it worked. Why is it not locked?
"Is any body here?!" I shouted as I entered the mansion. Eerie darkness greeted me. I stomped my wet shoes on the rug and called again. "Is anybody here?!" My voice was echoing all over the hallow wall of the house but no one is coming. I roamed around. My shoes were clicking on the hallow tiles as I explored the rooms.The house was big, huge and wide. The house was full of different antiques. Old furnitures, couches that have seen better days, priceless paintings adorning the wall, exquisite chandeliers hanging high above the ceiling, ceramic vases filled with withered flowers, andd every window I looked at was cloaked with heavy dark curtains that prevented light from coming inside.
"This whole place is so weird." I thought. While I was roaming around, I stopped outside on a certain room. I'm not sure what it was. I slightly opened the door and saw an old piano leaning behind the wall. I entered the room and looked out in the window if the rain already stopped but unfortunately, it is stilll raining. I seemed not to hear anything from the outside. Maybe it is soundproofed?
I walked over the piano and lifted the lid. Is it still working? I asked myself and pressed a white key. Seems fine. I'm not really a musical type, but I know how to play guitar.I pressed another white key and that's when I heard a harsh gnarl behing me.My heart thud bard against my rib. I breathe out exasperatedly before turning around. I snatched a breathe at that sight of that big dog.I was about to shout when I saw someone behind the dog.
"Oh man!! You scared me!" I breathe heavily as I tap my chest lightly. As I cleared my vision out, it is not s boy. Crap. She's a girl? Who's she? Is she the granddaughter of Mr. Stan? I didn't know that Mr.Stan's granddaughter was stunningly pretty—or should I say gorgeous? Damn girl. I know for a fact that behind the hair that is hiding her half face, she has a mesmerizing beauty that can attract any man in this world.
In relief, I didn't notice I was sagging against the piano.
"How did you get here?"The girl asked me, but I couldn't answer. I was too stunned and mesmerized by her beauty that I can't even utter a word. One growl from her beastly dog drew my attention back to her eyes. "Uh, the door's open. So I let myself in. My name's—"
"You're trespassing." She said. I laughed nervously and I don't even know why I suddenly feel nervous. "That's a very unique name, but I prefer to be called by my name. I'm Neil—"
"I don't care. You.Are.Trespassing." She said with her cold voice, enough to give me shivers. I suddenly got pissed, but I opted for civility and graciousness.Even in the face of hostility. I smiled at her and explained. "I wouldn't call it exactly like that. I am here as Mr.Stan's guest. It is raining outside and I'm soaking wet. I saw your gate was open so I let myself in."
Her cute eyes suddenly get fierced. "I have no time to entertain any guests. You know where the door is. I'm sure you don't need any help showing yourself out." And then she left with her dog trudging behind him. It was seconds before I could react. I was left speechless and dumbfounded!
"Wait!" I ran after her but she was too fast and by the time I was about to reach her, she was already holding the door close. "Bye." She said in a stern voice and the door slammed shut on my face. Damn cruel.

Crap. Did she just slammed the door on my face? What a rude granddaughter Mr.Stan has. I wanted to pound my fist heavily onto her grim dark door but i'm not an idiot. I know when I am not wanted. And her door is practically screaming 'leave me alone!' at me.
Damn! What do I do now? Should I leave? Or wait until she decides to grace me with her undivided attention? With one last stern look at the door, I turned around away from it and walked back downstairs. The whole house was so dark, gloomy and obsolete that gives me creeps. Its like any moment someone will appear in front of me. Or maybe worse than human. I felt a sudden shiver. Goodness. To live in this house for ten years or even a couple of years is really beyond me. I looked at the window to see if it's still raining. Unluckily, I could see the lightening flashing above the clouds and even against the thick wall of this creepy castle, I could even hear the muffled roll thunder outside.
I grudgingly stepped away from the window and dropped the curtain when I realized the storm won't stop even if I watched it for hours. I roamed my eyes around to find the telephone so that I can call Mr.Stan. My phone was stuck inside my car snd I still have to charge it to call him.
There it is! The telephone.I quickly go near into it and dialed Mr.Stan's telephone number when I found a wireless phone in one of the roomd and I groaned when s dead tone greeted me. The phone was cut! Seriously! Can this day be even more worse? How can I possibly leave this place if my gas won't even carry me half a mile away from here? And there's a storm outside.
I decided to sit down near the living area to wait, silently hoping that Mr. Stan's granddaughter would go downstairs. If she think I'd throw myself in that storm, she's sorely mistaken.I'm not suicidal like what she wanted me to do. Its been fifteen minutes but I still haven't hear anything upstairs. Did she fall asleep? I bet she looks gorgeous and breathtaking to look at while asleep.Damn. Stop that fantasizing over her. Stop admiring her.
Well, I guess she doesn't have any plans to go outside her room. If she's too insistent to ignore me, fine. But me, I can't take my hunger anymore. I'm famished. I entered her kitchen only to find out a huge fridge! Woah! I didn't expect her kitchen to be look like this—classy and high tech kitchen appliances that I don't even know how to use. I was honestly expecting a lesser luxurious that that. Out of curiosity and this strong sense of hunger. I pulled open the left side of the fridge. It was all veggies, beef, chicken meat, and a branded bread. Does she eat anything besides of these foods? My stomach growled louder. I know it's bad to just runmage through someone's fridge and attack someone's food, but I am so hungry and my host is very unhospitable at the moment so....that's a pretty acceptable reason.
I was enjoying my third sandwich when I heard the familiar growl behind me. I looked overmy shoulder and saw that beastly magnificent black dog standing at the door watching and gnarling his teeth at me. My back straightened and looked if her master was with him or her.
"Didn't I told you to leave?" I'm doomed.

Her glove hand reached her hair and brushed the strands away from her face. Damn, gorgeous.
"Didn't you understand what I've said earlier?" she said softly yet intimidating. And I blinked, my eyes were staring unbelievingly at the girl near me.
"Which part?" I just said because this girl owned a sculpture perfect face! Those chiseled jaw that was filled with dark whiskers, thick dark eyebrows...the sight of it emphasizes her pointed nose. Oh! I can't have my heart beating like this right now. I scowled to hide from my blushes.
"You mean when you slammed the door on me?" I crossed my legs under the table and looked at him squarely, my chin titled up high.
"I told you, I'm your grandpa's visitor. He knows me. I drove along way from here, miss. A little courtesy would've been nice." I said.
"And I told you too that I don't entertain visitors. I don't even know if grandpa really knows you. You were even trespassing our property and went through my fridge without any permission. I can sue you for that." her dog barked and trotted away from the kitchen as she said those words.
I've just decided to went out of her house and just wait for Mr.Stan outside. Wind gusted over me, blowing hard rain drops of rain on me but I ignored them. I was soaking wet when I went inside my car. Rain pounded on my windshield that my wipers couldn't compete. I looked at my phone and tried to dial Mr.Stan's number, but I see no signal. I muttered a curse. I can see the trees saying from the strong wind, trying to hold on to their roots. The sky was getting darker and heavier as I stayed inside my carz My teeth started to chatter from the cold. Curling my body to a fetal position. I gripped my jacked tighter against my body and tried to breath with my mouth. A few hours, I almost jerked out of my seat when someone knocked on my window loudly. I didn't notice I fell asleep. The knock came again but it took me seconds to open the window because my hands and fingers were too stiff. I saw someone was wiping the fog and rain off the glsdd and as I open the window, I saw a man. He's familiar I think? Have I seen him before? Oh right! He's Mr.Stan's bodyguard.
"Sir, Mr. Stan's asking you to go with me inside." He said. Damn finally! After so many hours of waiting. I wonder where went and it took hours for him to go back. Travis led me back the way to the hous. Mr.Stan's bodyguard names travis and I think he's in mid 20s. As we were walking back to the house, I saw Mr. Stan standing in front of the door, I could even see him smiling at me from a far.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting, young boy. I just had an emergency meeting earlier. Let's go inside, shall we?" he said warmly to me, as if be was really expecting me to visit him. He asked travis to bring me some clothes to wear because my clothes were still soaked in wet.
"And oh by the way, have you seen my granddaughter nathalia already.Sorry for her behalf, she's just always like that. I hope you wouldn't mind it at all. I'll assure you, she is really kind and a loving person." I coughed on what he said, really? I just smiled at him.
"Of course, I won't Mr. Stan." We just talked again ahnd he said that I should call him tito because he said Mr.Stan is too formal whenever I call him that.
A few minutes passes, he suddenly smiled when he looked at the stairs. " There you go my gorgeous granddaughter. How's your sleep?" he said as he go near Nathalia. I held my breathe as I looked over her, why is she so gorgeous even if she's only wearing pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt? Damn, I'm really crazy.

"Nathalia, this is neil. The one I told you who helped me in the city." Tito stan said while looking at me. Nathalia looks like she doesn't believe on his grandpa at all. I wonder what were she thinking that time.
"Uhm, Hi nathalia?" i greeted her and i extended my hand to her, hoping that she would do the same thing. But I bet no, knowing that she's annoyed by mu presence. But surprisingly, she did the same thing and smiled.
"Sorry for what I've said to you earlier, I shouldn't done that.It's just that I don't usually trust people so easily." She said, still smiling with a little bit of awkwardness. She looks way much better when she's smiling. Those pinkish lips that always formed so perfectly whenever she smile looks so damn attractive to me.
"It's okay. I understand." Well, her explanation is quite reasonable so I don't have to blame her at all.
We just had a midniht snack and since it's getting late, tito stan asked nathalia to accomodate me to there guests room where I would be sleeping tonight. After that, Nathalia led me to a room upstairs. We stopped in a certain room and then she told me that it was the room I would be using to sleep for tonight.I just thanked her and said good night before I went inside the room . I was really sleepy since I've been driving for about 6 hours earlier. I really need some rest. I let out an aggravated breath and stood, running my eyes around the room. It's not that big but it had enough space for a single four bed, antique cabinet, a single couch,a small table and a mantel. There's no tv, or anything that is multimedia gadgets. Not even a radio. I looked at the window, silently hoping that the weather tomorrow will be sunny. I want to roamed around tito stan's ranch. The bed looked almost inviting so I layed down. I feel like mt body is full of bruises. This must be fatigue from the cold. I sighed. This day is a long day, indeed. I'm gonna sleep.

Sorry by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Sorry by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

You created all things in here. You created us. You give us permission to live. You give us families. You give us something beautiful things. You give us the place that we can live. You make a wonderful places. You give us a person that sacrifice for us to forgive us all of our sins. Thank you to all of that.

Times goes by people change anything is changed. We are so selfish. Animals slowly getting extinct. Trees are getting gone. Water is getting polluted. And mountains getting bald. All your creation is getting ugly.

For us men and women. We doesn’t know what are we doing. Little by little we forget you. Because all of us now are attracted to money. Money that make us selfish. Money that makes us do a bad things. Money that makes us to forget you.

Your beautiful mountains, your wondrous sea, and pretty little animals. Those are you created that we don’t see near in the future.

Floods, earthquake, and storms those are the warning you send us to protect what are we have now.
You love us very much. Even if we forgotten you sometimes but you still love us.
Your created things are getting disappear. Your something you give to us are getting to fade. Sorry all about that. Sorry because we forget you some times. Sorry because we never maintain the beauty of you created. Sorry for all of our sins.

We know that our sorry is not enough to forgive us. But please keep loving us until we saw your suffering up there. I wish this is not the end.

Sacrifices by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Sacrifices by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

We are not rich to buy an expensive things but for my daughter I did all that. She is in the high school now. Her friends is very rich so my daughter wants a thing that her friends have. I don’t have enough proper job. Sometimes I am a construction worker and sometimes I am a plumber. I do everything about my daughter.

One day she wants a new dress but that dress cost 800 so I get shocked. I don’t know where do I find that money. “Okay my daughter give me one day to find money okay”. She agreed so I starts finding for that I go everywhere to look for a job. I do not eat because it minus my earned money for my daughter.

It’s already 6:30 pm my daughter class is ended soon. I need to search a job. Maybe she is staving now. Now I earned 900 I’m so very happy because my daughter will become happy too. I prepare this one hundred for our dinner.

I was here in my house but she is the first one who arrived in our house. I received a shout from my daughter because she is very starving. So I lend the money her needs to buy the dress. Now she became happy and she hug my tightly. I am also happy because I make a smile for my daughter’s face.

But one day I go to her school because I need to give this money to her. I call her but she ignored me so I went to her but she did not tell her friend’s to mine because she is so ashamed of what is my look now. So she immediately go after she received the money.

In our house I preparing her breakfast. While she was eating. She told to me that she wants a tablet and 1000. I get shocked about that. I told to her that I can’t afford those things. She get mad after I said that. She also said I never come back here if I didn’t grant her wishes.

I don’t what I going to do. 800 is hardly to get, 1000 and a tablet pa kaya. I start searching and looking for a job. I do everything for my daughter. I’m sure she were help in the day comes. Work here, work there, but this money is not enough to buy a tablet.

Two days after I buy a cellphone but the money, it’s only 500 hundred *coughing hardly* I get a hand towel to cover my mouth. While I’m coughing I saw a blood from the hand towel. And slowly I lose consciousness.

Dad! I saw my dad lying on the floor and I saw a lot of blood on her hand towel so I call ambulance immediately. I don’t know what happen. I don’t know what I’m going to do. When we arrived the hospital they take my father immediately in emergency room.
I pray to god to save my father. A few minutes the doctor came out. I ask him if my dad is alive but he says is not. I fell down on the floor while crying.

I go to our house I saw in my bed the tablet and 500. I started to cry again then I saw a letter. I read it while I’m crying.

Dear my daughter,

I’m sorry this is only my afford it’s too expensive to buy the original tablet sorry but I promise I buy a new one. And daughter I’m sorry because only 500 I don’t have any works now sorry but I’m also promise I will add it later. So daughter keep smile okay I did everything okay. I need to go out to look some job okay I’ll be right back.

Your loving father

I cried a lot after I read that letter. I’m sorry father, I’m sorry for everything. I’ didn’t stop crying and always said “I’m sorry”

I want to study, Ma? by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

I want to study, Ma? by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Hello there, my name is Andrew. I’m 8 years old. Everytime I watched the kids walking go to their school. And watching them when they are going home. I want to study but my mother can’t. Because we don’t have enough money to study. So kids like me, I help my mother in our vegetable stall and that’s also our house besides in school. Sometimes I go out to get some any cans and metals to sell them in junk shop to makes some money for my mother. In my age, kids like want to play but in our situation play for me is hard to do it. We never eats 3 times a day its just 2 times only. 1 for lunch and the second one is for dinner. But we can’t eat properly because we don’t have a light. So we eat at 6:00 because sun is not yet hide that time. I’m jealous to other kids because they do everything they want. They can do studying and playing. I wish, I want to be like them. Something I ask my mother if I can go to school but she only say is next school year son. So I wait every school but it’s just like a dream it never came true. I ask again my mother if I can go to study now. She said I try son I’ll try son, promise. But this time, it came true. I’m so very happy that time. I’m so excited to go to school. My mother also brought me school supplies. I prepared all of this before I go to school. In my first day it’s just like a normal day. We never eats breakfast. So I went to school starving. But I never think of that. I’m thinking that this is a special day for me because this is my first day of school. I’ll do everthing to study well. I’m so nervous facing the front of this school. It’s not too big, it’s too big to start my dream inside here. I’m so lucky to study here. Now I’m here inside the classroom and I’m so confidently to introduce myself in front of my classmates but they laughs at me because of my uniform it’s too crumpled and gets mark. I don’t care about them I am here to study not to become a joker that’s my thinking that they. Our teacher give us assignments. It was 6:30 to end our classes for grade 1. While I’m walking I’m thinking that it’s too dark to do my assignments I never knew where I’m doing this. I saw a street light. I have plan. I do it my assignments under that light street. When I got home. I receive a shout from my mother because almost 7:30 when I return to our home. I excuse that I did my homework in the street because we don’t have a light in our house. Only light coming from any cars light up our house. And my mother forgive me and give me a dinner. Our life that time it’s so hard we don’t have nothing. It’s just diligence and perseverance is you only need. Love of what you are doing because if you want, you can make it. Now I’m here telling my story to you all because we are thrived in difficulty of our life. I just want make inspiration to others and make success in your dreams

Bestfriend Forever by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Bestfriend Forever by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

She was my bestfriend but it’s too late to say sorry for her. We become bestfriend since I found out that she is a great pretender. I like to get more attention in my classmates but she stole it from me. Everytime I have a new things, their attention focuses on me but she always get their attention by borrowing my things to change their attention to her. Then my things fell down to the floor and breaks. I don’t know what to do to her. So I slap her in her face. In my house, after that happen. I stare to my hands and I look forward what happen in school. I feel bad because of what I did to her. To erase that I go outside and do anything to makes me happy. While I’m walking, I saw her washing the dishes of a karinderia store. In myself beyond that smile she releases, there are so many things she can do for their eatery business. I’m so guilty, for all what I did to her. I think that she has an intention to steal attention for me, but that is all opposite. She is tired in their shop but she still smile. Her mother call her to clean up the dishes on the table. So I go nearly in their shop. I saw her working. Then I saw the dishes I wash it for her. She saw me carrying the other dishes. She put down the dishes and talk to me. “Why you are here, are you here to say sorry” she said. “Sorry about yesterday I didn’t mean that, I’m so jealous to you because you are always positive” I said. “It’s okay” she said. Then we play water while washing the dishes. And she teach me how to wash the dishes. We became bestfriend after that. If I had a problem she comfort me all the time. When we are in her house we are talking, then I saw the blood running from her nose then she collapse after that I’m so panic when I saw the blood. Then I call her mother immediately. We go to hospital together. While I’m monitoring my best friend. I heard that she is no longer to live because of her cancer. I started to cry surreptitiously while her mother talking to her doctor. The day passed, she still smiling even she has a killer sickness. She still happy even though I know in her, she is in pain she pretend to be strong. Our classmate visiting her.When we are talking to each other she very joyful that time. Then she suddenly touch her hair then fall on the ground. We are shocked that happened. But she still happy and joking in our face. The next day I saw her bald but she still happy and she say that she become more beautiful now. I’m hurting inside, how can she hide the pain she sentient. I look my face in the mirror. I have a long hair, she don’t have. I live longer and she didn’t. I cried a lot then I decided to cut my hair and make a wig to make fair to her. Now I’m here in front of the door. I peep in a hole of the door. I saw her drawing on the mirror. She make a hair for her. Then I enter the room. She immediately hide the mirror and smile to me. I give the wig I made for her. Then she start smiling. In the next day, I received a call from her mother. Because she bring in ICU. Her sickness are retrograding. I visit her, and I thank to god because she still talking. I enter the room crying. She asked why I’m crying. I said “Why? Why you still pretending not in pain”. I have a lot of question to her but I can’t say to her because I’m in pained when I see her lying on the bed and so many equipment inject to her. She start crying she only say is “I want to live longer, I’m pretending because I want to live naturally and felt that I don’t have cancer”. She cry and cry. I feel the pained she has. Everytime I see her. If I was in her situation I already give up in the start but she always fighting. While I’m monitoring her she grab my hand and smile and said “my friend thank you, thank you a lot, thank you for being my side all the time, thank you that I become your bestfriend. Thank you”. She start crying and also I did. “Even if I like to live longer but lord ready to take me, I think this is my limitation, I can’t fight anymore”. She wiped her tear and she also wiped mine. “ Please tell to my mother, sorry because I never lift her up in poorness of her life, sorry because I can’t never help her in karinderia store, sorry because I can’t fight anymore, and please tell this I love you mom for being my mother and support me all time”. I can’t let my tear stop “please don’t you can live longer, you can lift your mother in poorness, you can do whatever you want, please fight, please don’t let your body give up, keep on fighting, please” that’s the only thing I said to her. “Don’t cry my friend I will always be here in your side guiding you and my friend I will always be on your side and be your bestfriend” she said. “I stop crying in one condition, please live longer okay” I said. “Okay” that’s the only word I heard to her. And tell to her get some rest. In the morning, when the breakfast is ready I waking up her but she didn’t hear that so I look at her she is on smile. I touch her but she didn’t wake up. I’m worried because she didn’t wake up. My tears started to fall my bestfriend is now resting “Thank you for being my bestfriend, I remember you until we see each other again”

Wheel of Life by JEREMY SALTING (draft)

Wheel of Life

There is boy named Clerence Clark. He is 19 years old. He came from a poor family. In his way there are so many challenges that he must face whether he like it or not. He fails a hundred times. But he never give up he said “it’s alright, it’s just a single mistake that you never do it again”. He always said that. But this time, this problem is so very hard to penetrate. He is so very down that time. He didn’t know what his going to do. And there is a point that he give up. But he thinks carefully there is an only way to surpass that problem. This is to come in Jesus arms. He trust him to help in his challenges. And he was not neglected. And now he exceeded that challenges. There is a prize beyond that problem and this is he graduate in college and there is a bonus he graduated with Suma cumlaude. His life is just starting, there is so many up and down in his life. After he graduated he looks for a job but there is no available for him. He went to another places but again there is no job for him. He tries again. He looks for a job. He applies so many job in the internet. One day he received a message or an e-mail from his account that tells we are inviting you for an interview this coming Saturday. His smile a lot because of that message that he receive a while ago. He prepared a lot of things and question that possibly he ask for him. He review so many times. He was sleeping at late night because he want to be accept to that job. He never lose that opportunity he wants to grab it until he have a time. And now he become a part of that company. He will do his best to his work given to him. One time he received a shout from his boss because he will not passed that files on time. The boss became mad at him. He gave any explanation to him but his boss did not accept that. So this is happen. He down his knees to apologies to him and said “please give me another chance, I promise I will never do that again just please forgive me this time” and his boss accept it but there is a condition I gave you a lower position in this company but not a janitor are you alright to that. He cries a lot on his mind because all tiredness he gave it to his position. It’s just single mistake he is now in at the bottom again. He accept it. So he tried a lot again to get on top. And he also come again to the lord. After all the challenges came to him he succeed again. And now he is the boss right now in that company. He is so very thankful to god because god is always on his side ready to support him to his problem and together face that problem or responsibilities. He is a dad now with her beloved wife Catherine with their tweens Rhythm and Rhyme. He has now his strength coming from his own family and to god. His life like a wheels. Sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down. If there is a challenges to his life or huge rock blocking his way if he pass that it bounce higher it means he will got a prize. The one who strengthen the circling of that wheels is god and his experience in life.

Nicka Montemayor Villanueva (Draft)

Nicka Montemayor Villanueva (Draft)

Her name is Nicka Montemayor Villanueva. She is 16 years old. She born on October 20, 2000. She lives at Bulacan. Her mother is Catherine and her Father is Antonio. Her mother is 34 years old while her father is 37 years old. The occupation of her father is Business man and her mother is Teacher. She completed her jr. high school in Calcuitan High school. She is studying in PUP right now. Her brothers are Nicko and Carl Andrei. Nicko is 6 years old and Carl Andrei is 5years old She loves adventures, skating and playing computer games. She went in Bataan, Ilocos, Baguio, Cebu and Pangasinan. Her favorite colors are yellow, gray, white and black. Her favorite food are Kare- Kare, Tinola, Fried Chicken and Adobo. Her favorite fruits are Dragon Fruit, Pineapple, Mango and orange. Her favorite Desserts are Halo-Halo, Leche plan, Suman, Ice cream and Ice candy. Her favorite drinks are water, coke and red tea She also like playing sports like Badminton and Volleyball. She loves watching movies like Goblin and Love in a Moon life. She loves listening music. Her favorite songs are Hiling, Pasensiya ka na, Bumalik ka sa akin and Ikaw Lamang. She really loves Enrique Gil as an Actor and also Daniel Padilla. Her favorite subject are English, Physical Education, Mathematics, History and Filipino. Her Favorite cars are Honda, Toyota, Lord of Lords and Subaru. She loves spongebob and peppa pig. Her favorite shoes are Vans, D.C., Adidas and Nike, She loves T- shirts of Nike, Penshoppe and adidas She has her ex-boyfriend named Sherwin. And her Ideal man is simple, Industrious and have a goal in life



I finally let you go, No more tears No more fake smile No more texting you "come back to me please" or "i miss you so much baby"
I finally make myself happy. I can look at you when i see you I can smile at you without even getting hurt I can even talk to you without any hesitation
Thank you... Thank you for everything. Thank you for teaching me to be strong Thank you for being honest with me Thank you for letting me experience the love-hate relationship
Sorry. Sorry for everything Sorry for being imperfect Sorry for not trusting you Sorry for not giving everything to you
Be happy with the "another girl" Don't worry I'm not mad, it's fine. I get it don't worry.
But then i finally let you go, I finally let myself happy.



Hi it's me , I see you're doing well You know after all this time I'm happy for you I'm happy that you are able to move on I'm happy that you've grown I'm happy to see that you can do so much better without me because those are the things I couldn't do because I couldn't move on because I couldn't grow because I couldn't do any better without you But that's on me , that's my fault I try my best to forget you And in the process of forgetting you I forgot myself I lost my sense of direction I destroyed myself With cigarettes and alcohol With sleepless nights and tears rolling down my face With remembering wonderful memories that now torments my entire being I still love you That's true , but what am I to do It's done It's over but I've accepted it I've accepted that you and I were never ment to be I've accepted that you moved on I've accepted that you don't need me as much as I needed you I'd like to thank you in behalf of all the memories we shared Thank you for the wonderful gifts Thank you for all wonderful days and nights we spent together Thank you for making me feel like i was part of your family Thank you for holding my hand when I was scared or when we just felt like it Thank you for putting your arms around me and making me feel like I was the most precious thing in the world But let me just say this again I will always love you And i'm always here for you Even though you aren't there for me



I saw you, standing across the street. Looking at me while walking to come over you. You hugged me like there's no tomorrow. We walk together going to the nearest ice cream store, we share stories we laugh, i enjoy the day I'm with you. But then suddenly i woke up, everything was just a dream. Waking up and realizing that our relationship is over. Waking up and asking myself why? What happened to us? Do you miss me like i miss you? I miss you so much, i miss the way you wake me up every morning the way you cheer me up, the way you motivate me in everyday. How can i move on when I'm still inlove with you? I wish everything but the best for you.



Hi it's me , I see you're doing well You know after all this time I'm happy for you I'm happy that you are able to move on I'm happy that you've grown I'm happy to see that you can do so much better without me because those are the things I couldn't do because I couldn't move on because I couldn't grow because I couldn't do any better without you But that's on me , that's my fault I try my best to forget you And in the process of forgetting you I forgot myself I lost my sense of direction I destroyed myself With cigarettes and alcohol With sleepless nights and tears rolling down my face With remembering wonderful memories that now torments my entire being I still love you That's true , but what am I to do It's done It's over but I've accepted it I've accepted that you and I were never ment to be I've accepted that you moved on I've accepted that you don't need me as much as I needed you I'd like to thank you in behalf of all the memories we shared Thank you for the wonderful gifts Thank you for all wonderful days and nights we spent together Thank you for making me feel like i was part of your family Thank you for holding my hand when I was scared or when we just felt like it Thank you for putting your arms around me and making me feel like I was the most precious thing in the world But let me just say this again I will always love you And i'm always here for you Even though you aren't there for me



I saw you, standing across the street. Looking at me while walking to come over you. You hugged me like there's no tomorrow. We walk together going to the nearest ice cream store, we share stories we laugh, i enjoy the day I'm with you. But then suddenly i woke up, everything was just a dream. Waking up and realizing that our relationship is over. Waking up and asking myself why? What happened to us? Do you miss me like i miss you? I miss you so much, i miss the way you wake me up every morning the way you cheer me up, the way you motivate me in everyday. How can i move on when I'm still inlove with you? I wish everything but the best for you.



What can cause you stress?
School works, Family Problems, Financial Problem, Sometimes about foods and what to wear yes, it can cause you stress.
What is stress?
For me, Stress is something a person that is struggled by the environment.
How can we reduce stress?
Have time for yourself, go take a break. Go to spa, entertain yourself. Go to mall buy somethings you want new clothes, new make ups anything. Try something new, try hiking, try going somewhere far from the stress that your experiencing. You want to shout? Go shout. You want to cry? Go cry. You want that, you want this? Go work for it.
Let yourself be free from stress. Let yourself live a life that should be. Life is too short to live in life that is full of stress, sometimes we need to live in life that is enjoyable.



Can I move on ?
I was weak.
when it came to you,
the way you smiled
The way you talked ,
the way you held my hand It all made me melt
I was All flushed with fever , you were the reason
For me to wake up everyday with a smile on my face.
Just thinking of you made my day
That was how special you were to me.
But then you left I was weak
but the people that stood beside me made me strong enough
To live everyday without you.
They told me it wasn't the end and that there is so much more to life
Than just spending a life time with you.
It hurt
It hurt because I keep remembering our greatest moments
Actually ... I remember even the bad.
I cried and cried till I fell asleep every night wishing that you were by my side
But no For you have someone else now Someone else's hand to hold when you were cold Someone else's bed to keep warm
Someone else's cheek to kiss
I've accepted it.
I am strong
Im strong enough to stand on my own
To decide for myself
To do things for myself
Yes, maybe I'm not ready to love again
But when the time comes surely
I'll be whole Not just my heart but me as a person
I CAN move on!

Lorie Joy Bernal by MARISTELLA EUGENIO (draft)

Lorie Joy Bernal

There's a girl named Lorie Joy Bernal, her hobbies are writing, studying, watching and playing. Lorie loves the color yellow, black, gray, maroon and violet. Her favorite numbers are 1,7,10,20 99 and 100. Lorie love to watch movies because in the graph she listed her favorite movies like Road to rome. Everything, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Train to Busan, Love me tomorrow, Gone Girl and also Maze Runner. She also love to listen to the songs Despacito, maybe this time, akin ka nalang, paalam, harana and sorry. Lorie is also a fan and supporter of singers and bands like Taylor Swift, lo, Westlife, Al, and Paramore. She loves to eat Kare-Kare, Adobo, Fries, Ice-Cream, Shawarma, Burger, and Cheeze. Her favorite subjects are Ap, English and E.S.P too. She also have dog. Lorie, has a favorite celebrities too like Lee min ho, Marian Rivera, Anne Curtis, Kathryn Bernardo, Ian Veneracion, Gabby Concepcion, Lea Salonga, and Bamboo. She also watch teleseries like Mulawin vs Ravena, 24 oras, Eat Bulaga, Wowowin, and Trops. Someday she wants to be a Psychology, Teacher or Counselor. She likes the brands like, Vanz, Nike, Adiddas, Fila, H n M, Cotton on, and also Forever 21. Her favorite cartoon characters are Spongebob, Detective. Handyman, Jimmy Neutron, and also Pokemon. Her dream places are Us, Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Taiwan, Switzerland, Haly, Germany, Russia, Paris, Pakistan, Australia, and Austric. She likes playing Plant vs Zombie in her gadget. She also use social media like Facebook and google app. She like the person who is perfect, Diligent, Nice and she also don't like people who is imperfect. Her sports are Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Arnis, and Track and Field. Her provinces are Pangasinan, Bulcan and Pampanga. She also give places like Baguio, Laguna, La union, Sta.Mesa, Bulcan, Manila and Subic. But lastly, her family are Grace, Rizza, Enzo, Ner and Melai. This is the autobiography of Lorie Joy Bernal.



I finally let you go, No more tears No more fake smile No more texting you "come back to me please" or "i miss you so much baby"
I finally make myself happy. I can look at you when i see you I can smile at you without even getting hurt I can even talk to you without any hesitation
Thank you... Thank you for everything. Thank you for teaching me to be strong Thank you for being honest with me Thank you for letting me experience the love-hate relationship
Sorry. Sorry for everything Sorry for being imperfect Sorry for not trusting you Sorry for not giving everything to you
Be happy with the "another girl" Don't worry I'm not mad, it's fine. I get it don't worry.
But then i finally let you go, I finally let myself happy.



It's all started when sofia just transferred to her new school. It was not that easy for her. She don't know what to act, what to feel, what will happen. She started to think, think and think. When she go to her room she saw a vacant seat, so she sat down. While waiting, everyone was staring at her. Sofia wanted to cry because she was nervous but then everything has changed. a boy came. He started to talk to sofia. He sat beside her and ask her name age and why she transferred to that school. Then sofia felt normal already. She was relax already. Then she answered diego her name, her age and why she transferred. Then they are seatmate. They always get along together, always sharing stories with each others. But one day something came out...

Something came out....

Sofia go to school when she entered the room, diego was already sitting in there assigned seat. But then diego notice that her bestfriend sofia was sad. He knows that sofia is having a problem. When sofia go to her assigned seat, diego sat beside her and ask what is happening but then sofia don't respond... diego was still forcing her to open up and share what is her problem, then finally sofia told diego that she have a family problem her mom wants to bring her to america, while her dad wants her to be in the Philippines. So diego decided to comfort sofia, because sofia wants to be here in the Philippines because she wanted to be with diego.

But then, sofia needs to go to america whether she likes it or not. *fast forward* 1year later Sofia returns to the Philippines to open a business, she will also start studying at the polytecnic university of the Philippines. Little did she knew what awaits her It turns out his ex bestfriend Diego will also be studying there In the middle of entering and waiting in line Diego notices her and approaches her Diego: hey sofia! Long time no see. Sofia: hey diego.. it's been a year Diego: yea.. it's been a year.. i missed you *hug* Sofia: i-i missed you too.

Diego: sofia, how are you? Sofia: I'm good how about you? Diego: I'm good since you left me. Anyways, sofia hold on meet my friend coleen. Coleen: hello sofia, I'm coleen. I'm Diego's new friend since you left him. Sofia: oh wow *sarcastic laugh* I'm sofia. And I didn't leave diego I just needed to go to america. Diego: *cough* we need to go back to the sofia. It's nice to see you again. Sofia: it's nice to see you too again diego..
As diego and Coleen walk away , sofia felt sad because diego has a new friend. But still life must go on, Finally sofia was enrolled to pup, She was happy all her efforts paid off.Then while she was going home, sofia received a text for unknown. Unknown: hi sofia, what is your section? Sofia: who's this? Unknown: it's me diego! Sofia: oh hey diego I'm in section 1 hbu? Unknown: same sofia!see you around.
Sofia was excited to go to school because of diego and for sure she will have a new friends.

Sofia's first day... She was nervous with a little bit of excitement. She starts to find her room, as she start walking, she saw coleen and diego walking together and maybe they are looking for the classroom. But then sofia decided to continue looking for her classroom , as soon as she finds it she entered to the room and sit to the vacant chair. Someone approach her she ask her name and sat beside her. While they are talking coleen and diego entered the room and sat infront of sofia. She tried to act normal and in a few minutes all of the vacant seats were full. When the teacher arrived, they introduce theirselves. After that the teacher gave them a group activity, the teacher group coinsidently teacher had put together sofia diego and coleen in the same group, it was awkward first but after a while she didn't mind Then all of a sudden a man approached sofia and talked to her all was nice and sofia was happy talking to him Not knowing diego had noticed and just started to look at her coleen saw that diego was in a trance , so while everything was happening coleen was staring at diego too.