
Friday, August 4, 2017

Silhouette by Camille Canonoy

by Camille Canonoy

It’s in there. Snacking every inch of you, the silhouette that cannot be erased. It’s in there. Slowly partaking you. It’s in there. “anybody please help me!” you uttered, but no one can hear you. No one can help you except YOU. It’s in there and it’s slowly getting into your veins until it reaches your heart.

Run, run, run as fast as you can but you can’t escape it because it’s IN there. It is the silhouette that slowly absorbing you. The silhouette that only your own light can cure it and yes, it can be cured but no one can help you but only you. It is the silhouette that caused by disappointments, because someone did not meet your expectations. Caused by rejection and neglection. It is the silhouette that change you into a horrible beast. Silhouette that made you do the things that you shouldn’t, the silhouette that giving you too much hatred. The silhouette that taking you away from your loved ones. Yes, that silhouette is anger.

Anger that is slowly taking the light from you. Silhouette from the past, and it messing up the present. You keep on hiding but it hides with you. You keep on running but it runs with you. So darling, STOP. Please STOP. Breathe and LET GO. It feels you’re heading for the light, but as you run, it gets further, STOP. Stop chasing the light, let it chase you.

Let the monster inside you stop manipulating you, for now, breathe and let go. Let go of the greediness in you. Let go of everything that made that silhouette even more stronger. Let go and let the light be the cure. The light that the silhouette taken from you and that light is the forgiveness, the love and the faith you have. Let the light shines from within and kill the monster. For now, just keep on breathing and keep on fighting. Live the life to the fullest, keep on dreaming and never ever let that silhouette ruled over you again.

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